To some degree I blame the independent musician who wants to get signed to a major record label!! I feel there is no need for you to get signed by a major label. Don't you want to help yourselves, plus everyone else in the same situation as yours? Well then lets stop having the goal of getting signed and have the goal of making your own profits and career!
On the other hand I don't blame independent musicians for trying to get signed, I mean they get more cash then they would not going with them. BUT! Lets change that! Lets make it so they no longer exist and you can help yourself to profits instead! And those profits would be yours entirely not like 50 cents for 1 album selling, no you would get whatever you want to sell it for!
There would be a more equal opportunity for all musicians, no more media, radio stations getting paid off from record labels, instead they would be no more, or they would be down to the level of alot more record labels! There would be harmony and freedom to do anything you want. This is what we need to fight for! Or else we are no better than those 4 big record labels!!
I have discovered one pretty good distribution option for independent artists in the site Bandcamp. It is a no-frills site which allows the artist to upload music in most formats and likewise the fan has the option of what format to download. Musicians set their own prices and keep 100% profit, thus alowing for major price cuts.
If you look at the soundplayer to your left (it is one of four sizes) you can play the entire album as often as you wish. In theis particular case, if you wish to buy the album, enter the codeword thistle for a 50% download, effectively making the album $5.00 AU (Ssshhhh). You also have the option of only purchasing individual tracks.
Think about it for a little, take some time, calm down, and think you and everyone else all helping each other out and all moving in one direction, there is really no stopping us! So what do you say? Lets get this rolling already!
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