Saturday, May 1, 2010

Redemption At Bandcamp

With the release of my most recent album "Redemption" via Bandcamp as well as Nimbit less than 24 hours old, I felt compelled to make mention of it in this blog earlier than one normally would as the feedback/results at this early stage are somewhat 'out of the ordinary,'....well, for this musician they are.

Early statistics, downloads and feedback have all confirmed my prior suspicions but on a much grander scale. 

I had initial reservations about the dimensions of the Bandcamp player but over the last few weeks I have discovered that these guys have put an awful lot of thought into it. While the Nimbit player and download process are very smooth operators, that is all they are. There are no statistics provided for 'hits,' song plays and so forth.

Bandcamp, on the other hand, provide up-to-date statistics not only on song plays but on partial plays and 'skips.' They also provide 'hits' in as much detail as is required and where visits derive from.

The BIG bonus to my mind is the ability for the artist to offer 'discounts.' It's a very simple process and a big winner from comments received thus far. The artist chooses the price of, in my case, "Redemption." They can then nominate a discount ranging from 5% to 95%. They then select a 'coupon code.' For the purposes of this blog, the coupon code is  busty  

To claim the discount, simply click 'Download' on the Bandcamp player to the left of this entry. You will then be asked to apply the code. Once this is done you will see the already foolhardy price plummet further....we're talking more than a few cents here, folks. You can then choose which file format and payment method you desire. 

Hey Presto!!! "Redemption" is all yours! conjunction with IMGlobal©, you can get your free copy of "Redemption."

► All you have to do is "design album art" for his upcoming *SINGLE release "Teach Me"...........
► Requirements, the Singles Art cover must be 600px wide x 600px high in size.
► It has to be in the theme of "Teach me"...use your imagination!
► MUST have "Bob Findlay", "Teach Me" & IMGlobal© on the cover, the rest is up to you!

►No Smut etc, keep it professional.

►YOUR name will be featured on the art work, and this will be promoted avidly.
►All submissions need to be emailed to
►Winner will receive the Album "Redemption" via email!!◄

Too easy! And you may get commissioned for more art!

With this apparent flurry of activity, "Redemption" is actually quite a way behind me as I'm back into the studio after something of a break. During the past week or so I have 're-visited' the album and was initially taken by how 'live' it sounds. I then delved through notes etc. regarding the album and the word 'live' kept popping out at me.

Seems that I've got this one me, anyway.