Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Redemption." The Album and More.

The album “Redemption,” release date May 1st, 2010 is perhaps my most cohesive album to date in most respects. The 10-track album is comprised of consistently heavier and rougher numbers than my previous releases. Like all of my material, some of it is factual and some is fictional. Attempting to differentiate the two is a needless exercise. The songs message is still the same.

When I commenced writing and recording (almost simultaneously) in late October, 2009, the initial overall feel of the album was along the lines of 'communication.' In this early phase the working title for the album was “Message.” A close friend, artist and photographer Stuart Reeman, threw countless photographic options my way. I'm particularly grateful to Stu as he was/is amidst getting his own site completed and working on a second site that I am sworn to secrecy on.

As the album progressed, however, the 'message' angle on the entire album wained. By the time the festive season was over the only theme that was still standing from the outset was 'communication.' With it came an overwhelming sense of misplaced redemption on my part.

Over the festive season one tends to hear from people that haven't been heard from for quite some time, hence my dislike of the festive. Xmas 2009 will be remembered by me as one of hearing from an awful lot of people who, at several stages of my life, made me feel, in no uncertain terms, that I owed them some sort of favour due to my lack of reciprocity of 'their' way of seeing things.

After three years with a relatively clear head, I was able to objectify the former goings-on of both myself and of these people from the past. To cut a long story short, I think I've done all the redeeming that has to be done. Anyone who thinks otherwise could probably do with a vacation.

The entire album is in no way 'doom and gloom' and hopefully this blog entry combined with the frighteningly similar album liner notes will put people in the picture before actually hearing “Redemption.”

The album is (deliberately) my most 'live' sounding album. The guitar tracks have a more raw sound, making it easier to hear the 'meshing' that I like to create. All three guitars can be blazing away full-tilt, chasing each other around the place, then suddenly almost vanish, to the point where even I was wondering if it was meant to happen. Believe me, it is.

In a nutshell, musically, I think I've made my own version of organised chaos dominate the album more than any of my other releases to date. What does this have to do with 'redemption'? In order for redemption to take place, there has to be some sort of chaos preceding it.

The album will be released via Nimbit and also Bandcamp. I have only recently discovered Bandcamp, courtesy of Tommie Brewster, so I don't feel adequately qualified to comment on the site. I guess all that I can say at this point is that I consider it, at this stage, to be well worth looking further into. I shall be keeping a close eye on how things progress between Nimbit and Bandcamp sales over the next few weeks and keep you up to speed.

I'm not so sure that bombarding people with options is such a good thing. I'm also not so sure if peoples preferences of distribution sites weigh heavier than ease of use or price. People are still downloading singles from “Catharsis” from Amazon.com for 99c when they can get the exact same thing via Nimbit for 88c. (!)

My first attempt as an author has taken me somewhat by surprise. A big thank you to all concerned on my first book, “Online Music Traps,” which was initially made available on Lulu.com as a PDF download and as a paperback. A special thanks to Grace Peffers of Girlirox, down here in Melbourne for her fantastic review.

Shortly after releasing the book on Lulu.com I made “Online Music Traps” available at Myebook where it received 1,000 preview reads (first 6 pages) in just under its first month! Suffice it to say I have commenced another book, the subject matter and release date remain undisclosed for the moment.

As is the case with all of my 'major' activities on the 'computer-net,' members of www.scotsbob.com are notified of these goings-on 12-24 prior to anywhere else online.

Whilst on the subject of my website, I'm currently investigating the possibility of making available discount coupons for “Redemption” to website members. The service costs me nothing and allows me to further discount the album for the folks who have provided untold support. If you want a chance to get a hefty discount on “Redemption,” feel free to sign up....because it is free. Discount vouchers are limited, so it's first in, best dressed.